Monday, February 25, 2019
Of Mice and Men and the American Dream Essay
John Stienbecks novel Of Mice and Men is almost the death of the American ideate. George, Lennie and Candys dream is to go to bedledge their knowledge piece of ground to work and live independently on. This dream is ruined by Lennies ignorance and Lennies strength, which he can non control. Curleys married womans dream is to be a famous Hollywood actress. Her dream is ruined by her marriage to Curley and the Hollywood director who promised to contact her slightly her performing course but never has. Crooks dream is for equality. racism and the attitudes of others destroy this dream.Lennie and Georges dream is to own a piece of land to work and live where they can fuddle cows, pigs, chicken a veg patch with alfalfa and rabbits. O. K Someday were going to lounge around the jack to inviteher and were going to have a teensy-weensy house and a couple of acres and a cow and approximately pigs and An live off the fatal the land Well have a biggish vegetable patch and a rabbi t-hunch and chickens. And when it rains in the winter well just vocalise the hell with going to work, and well build up the fire in the orbit and set around it an listen to the rain coming down on the roof. (Steinbeck 193718)This quote illustrates the dream have about owning their own land and life sentence independently on it, growing and harvesting their own crops in the vegetable patch, farming cows and goats for milk, pigs for ham and bacon and chickens for eggs. When Candy hears about this dream, he wants to draw part of it by offering his saved money to fund the leverage of the piece of land and be able to work and live on the land with George and Lennie. George, Lennie and candys dream is destroy by Lennies ignorance and Lennies ignorance of his own strength.When Lennie is in a stressful situation, like when he wanted to pat the girls dress and she screamed, Lennie panics and doesnt know what to do. Lennies strength and ignorance ruins their dream when Lennie and Curleys wife are lecture in the barn. Curleys wife invites Lennie to feel how soft her pilus is. Lennie patted her hair very hard. Curleys wife, non wanting her hair to be messed up, jerks her bearing away. Because Lennie is confused he grabs her hair and tries to make her stop yelling.But because Lennie does non know how to control his own strength, he squeezes Curleys wifes neck as well hard and crushes her spine. Lennie then flees the ranch because Curley wants to kill him for what he did to his wife. So Lennie is not brutally murdered by Curley, George finds Lennie and, because he cannot get him out of trouble, shoots Lennie. Lennies uncontrollable strength and ignorance done for(p) his, George and Candys dream Curleys wifes dream is to become a famous Hollywood actress.She dreams of fame, fortune, fancy clothes and large, expensive hotels. Curleys wife is waiting for a Hollywood director to mail her about adequate an actress. This dream is destroyed by her marriage to Curley be cause once she is married she is not allowed to pursue an playing career because she has to look after the house, because Curley will not allow her to leave the ranch to become an actress. Her dream is also destroyed by a Hollywood director who believed she had the potential to become a film actress.Curleys wife meets this director at a bounce and he promises he would send her a letter about acting in one of his films, but she never gets the letter so she does not become an actress which is her dream. Her marriage to Curley and the Hollywood director who has not mailed her about her acting career destroys her dream. Crooks dream is to be equal. Because he is black, he is hardened differently than others because of their racist attitudes. Crooks must not go in the bunkhouse so he has to sleep in the harness room.He is also treat by the chieftain of the ranch whenever the boss gets angry. Crooks dreams that he can be treated the same as everyone else, so he does not have to sleep in the harness room instead of the bunkhouse or by abused by another man. And he gave the stable buck hell, too Give the stable buck hell? he asked Sure. Yak probe the stable bucks a nigger. (Steinbeck 193722)This quote shows how Crooks is mistreated by the farm boss because he is a black man. The ranch boss thinks he can ill-treat and discriminate against Crooks because he is black.Crooks dream of bonny equal is destroyed by the racist attitudes of others The novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is about the death of the American dream. The dream of George, Lennie and Candy is to own their own piece of land to work and live on. Lennies ignorance and Lennies uncontrollable strength destroy this dream. Curleys wifes dream is to be a famous Hollywood actress. Her dream is destroyed by her marriage to Curley and the Hollywood director who promised to write to her about her acting career but never has. Crooks dream is for equality. This dream is destroyed by racism and the attit udes of others.
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