
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Pleasantville Essay

When David and Jenifer are tolerated to Pleasantries and are forced to play the part of develop and Mary-sue the whole routine/script goes out of whack. We verify Davits fantasy at the start were the manager has used a close up light beam of David talking to the girl of his dreams. As the photographic camera zooms out, It becomes obvious that he was Imagining talking to her the director uses this to portray Davits character. From this we go out that he Is a loner and Is socially awkward. To David this perfect world Is his reality.David knows everything bout Pleasantries all the characters the script everything there is to know. It more or less seems to be a religion to him. For Jenifer this is only a fantasy and she doesnt like it she wants to bring her reality to this fantasy world. Change Change is commonly seen passim the film and is represented in many ways. We not only see exchange In the characters but In the environment around them. The head start stain of change w e see Is the red rose that develop sees aft(prenominal) his date with Mary-sue the director uses this to show the audience that everything Is about to change.The director in addition use costumes to show the change In Pleasantries, teenagers In Pleasantries start to stop more modern clothing that are bright and colorful. The director similarly introduces rain and muster out to Pleasantries, which are all unexampled experiences for people in Pleasantries. When the director introduces rain The main characters in the film change in some way through the film. Jenifer is a teenage girl difficult to be cool by smoking and getting with guys. When Jenifer is tolerated to Pleasantries we e change as the film progresses.We see a glimpse of change in Jenifer when she picks up the glasses to read the phonograph recording. Moments later as we see the camera move across we see the photograph of her wearing glasses. Another sign of change is when Margaret starts baking cookies for bud Ins tead of Whaley. When we see Bud and Margaret on their date at lovers lane we see Margaret pick an apple from a tree, the apple symbolizes the corruption of the real world. The forbidden fruit. The people in Pleasantries cook very little intimacy. We see an example of this when Mary-sue ask, What outside Pleasantries Everyone looks at her as she was stupid.The teacher replies Mary-sue you know better than that it goes around in a raft. We also see another glimpse of there lack of knowledge when the tree catches on give the bounce. When we see the tree on fire the director portrays both the people of Pleasantries and the tree on fire to show their upset and intrigued faces. When bud is at the fire station yelling FIRE the fire fighters are all confused it wasnt until e said cat that the fire fighter got into action but when they got there they didnt know what to do.In the end bud saves the day putting out the fire. The tree on fire is a major event in the film this is when the pe ople of Pleasantries what to know more. We see an example of change and knowledge when David was saying the ending to a book as he was saying what happened the black pages in the book started to fill. Creating new knowledge soon after all the books in Pleasantries were filled and everyone was at the library reading and gaining new knowledge. By Dylan South

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